A Great Opportunity – A Welcome Retreat (formerly CRHP) is a 2-day encounter designed to renew both individuals (ages 21 and older) who attend, and the Most Sacred Heart community as a whole. During this retreat, participants share laughter, stories of resilience, and build a sense of community. It’s an amazing experience and it won’t be the same without you!

This retreat will take place in the comfort of our own parish in Father Dowling Hall. Saturday from 8am to 9:30pm and Sunday from 8:30am to 2:30pm.

Will I have to talk in front of people? After brief introductions, participants are encouraged to share in small groups. The extent to which you share is up to you.

Is there a lot of solitary prayer? There are times for quiet reflection; time for listening to members share their faith journey; time for small group discussion; and one-on-one time to get to know one another better. 

What will my family do without me? This may be a wonderful opportunity for family members to have quality time without you. You may find that your retreat experience strengthens your relationships at home! 

Is there time for Mass & Confession? There is an opportunity to go to Confession and we attend the 11:30am Mass with the MSH community. Your family is invited to attend this Mass as well. 

Do I need to spend the night? No. The retreat breaks on Saturday night for you to go home and come back Sunday morning at 8:30am. 

What about food? Food is provided and will be plentiful. Please note any dietary restrictions on your registration. 

What should I wear? Casual and comfortable clothing encouraged! (Weather permitting, we may get a chance to go outside.) 

What do I need to bring? An open heart and mind. We provide all the rest. 

How much does it cost? There is no cost to participate. A free will offering, however, is accepted. 

retreatcoordinator@sacredhearteureka.org or call 636.938.5048 & ask to speak with Joan or Melinda.