A man was going from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers. They stripped him and beat him, every possession he had in his sack, even the clothes he was wearing, they took. They left him almost dead. The man is in a desperate situation. He needs help. He can’t move.  

You are also on your journey from Jerusalem and come across this man. You knelt, assessed the situation, and began caring for him. You bandaged his wounds; shredding some of your own clothes and using them to help stop the bleeding. You took the oil and wine you planned on using for the preparation of your own meals and instead, abundantly poured it all over him. It is soothing as well as an antiseptic. You notice the guy can’t walk so you pick him up, put him on your donkey, and now you’re the one walking, and take him to an “inn.” (Not an “inn” like a Holiday Inn. An “Inn” which is a rough, tough roadside lodging, brutally sparse. You would only want to be there if it were an emergency.) 

You not only took him to the inn, but you stayed at this inn as well, doing whatever he needed: provided food, provided comfort, water, cleansing – all night. Then the next day, you take out two denarii and tell the innkeeper “Whatever you need to spend on him, do so. I’ll pay you back when I return.”    

Jesus tells us this is how we can—and should—love our neighbor. Do you love and serve like that?  

  • Pray and ask God to show you how your talents can be used to help others.  
  • Get involved in a ministry that challenges you to put others’ needs first.  
  • Tell others the good things you’ve experienced through serving in a ministry and invite them to join you! 
  • On Most Sacred Heart’s commitment card, learn about additional opportunities for ways to be involved and to serve.
  • Learn more about each of our ministries (read a full ministry description and discover the time commitment involved as well)